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Testimonials & Transformations

It's a genuine privilege to serve our community and I am truly grateful for the trust you place in us each and every day. We would love to hear from you. If you have a story to share or have trained with us along the way let us know how you are keeping. 

Meet Aisling

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland


In January 2015, standing on the scales weighing 12 stone 2 pounds with a BMI of 28, at 23 years old and being told by the doctor that I was ‘overweight, I decided it was time for a change. Having being involved in sports from a young age I would have considered myself quiet fit and healthy, but obviously I wasn’t. So in February 2015, with a little persuasion from a close friend I finally took the first step in my transformation. Having known that I had tried this before and failed, I was a little sceptical about it all. Walking in the door of Real World Combat and Fitness Gym that day and being greeted by an ‘enthusiastic’ Finn Glenn, I thought to myself ‘what are you getting into?’ For the following days my body also wondered what I was getting involved in as I struggled to move, but for some strange reason I felt like I wanted to do more. The following week I became a member and I made an agreement that I would see this through. 

Taking part in weight training exercises under the guidance of Finn, and also engaging in cardio sessions, I began to believe that I could finally do this. Beginning to change for the better and roping my mother and friends into my new craze everything was going great until I finally hit that wall again three months in. I wondered why I am doing this, what benefit is it to me? Why bother? All these thoughts ran through my head and I made the decision, I had enough and I had given it the best I could. Leaving that day I told Finn about my decision and before I left I had signed up for a personal training session. (He is very persuasive when he wants to be!) 

Having discussed my personal goals and what I wanted to achieve, Finn devised a training plan and also a nutrition plan (with many changes before it was finalised). This was what I needed, I’m not going to lie and say it was easy (as it wasn’t, believe me there was many arguments and struggles throughout) but once I got my nutrition right (which didn’t include any tablets, shakes or supplements) and followed my training plans I felt anything was possible. By engaging in personal training, good nutrition and joining the Body by Finn classes on Tuesday and Thursdays I finally began to enjoy training. Leaving the first few classes feeling very unfit, I decided I would accomplish these classes one day! I think I have, but I’m sure the instructor would say differently!

While moving away from Kenmare, Finn has accommodated me by changing my plans, fitting in personal training sessions at the weekends and he keeps me on my toes with my nutrition.  To anyone out there thinking of making a change all I can say is GO FOR IT.  If you don’t succeed at first, you will with the help of the Real World Combat and Fitness Team. Their dedication, motivation and commitment to each and every client is outstanding. With a healthy BMI, greatly improved fitness and a new sense of confidence, a massive thank you must go to Finn and everyone in the gym as none of this would have happened only for them, I believe the hardest step that I took to begin this journey was walking in the door of Real World Combat and Fitness Gym that day in February and remember a piece of advice I was once told, ‘IF IT DOESN’T CHALLENGE YOU IT WON’T CHANGE YOU’.

Aisling H.

Meet Donna

I have attended the gym for years and ate pretty healthy but never got the results I wanted despite all the hard work I was putting in at the gym, cycling, running or even walking. (Sometimes 7 days a week.) Back in September 2015, I saw Ciara Palmer’s testimonial on Facebook about her fantastic achievement and I could not believe the changes she made so I decided to join Real World Combat & Fitness. My main goal was to lose some weight, get rid of the aches/ pains and generally feel good. I felt very intimidated by all those big machines but I joined the first week of October. I was blown away with how welcoming and helpful the staff were. I started off with the Body by Finn classes. The first two classes tested my fitness and were extremely difficult. Each week after that got easier and more enjoyable. I even made a few new friends along the way. On the 16th October I signed up for a Personal Training session with Finn. Looking forward to it but dreading it at the same time. I explained to Finn that I needed a realistic diet that I could live with for the rest of my life. So he took all my comments on board and the following day I got my meal plan. To my surprise it was pretty reasonable. The plan now had me eating more food than I ever ate before which I was a bit sceptical of, but I decided this was part of the overall plan so I would give it a 100% for a month & see what happens. 

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

The first 3 weeks were very difficult. Most of my weekends were taken up with preparing food for the week ahead. By week 3 I did consider quitting because I felt my life was now in the kitchen and the gym. The Snaps and messages of encouragement kept coming from Finn and so, by week 4 I had most of it down to a tee. It did not seem so difficult; “it’s all about being organised”. Now it is part of my routine so no excuse. The exercise was the easiest part for me. Going from not being able to do 5 reps on the Bench Press with no weight the first day to doing 20 reps with weight on top came as the weeks went by. In week 5 I made a few more changes to my food and finally, I started feeling fantastic both internally and externally. Within 2 months I had a stone lost in body fat. Since then, I have dropped down to the weight I dreamed of, became stronger, and no longer have the aches & pains. I feel fantastic and am currently training for a Half Marathon. This challenge was not an easy journey by any means but I would have given up months ago without the encouragement from Finn. If you take his advice on board and commit to it 100% there is no way he will let you fail because he will give you 100% commitment also. There are days you will want to quit but a message to Finn or a chat in the gym and you will be back on track again to face a new day. I would 100% recommend this challenge to anyone who feels they need a change in their life because it has changed mine. Thanks again mostly to Finn but also to Neilis & the rest of the staff. From the first day I walked through the doors they were so welcoming, helpful and encouraging. I look forward to being part of your gym for many years to come.

Donna Harrington

Meet Ciara

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland
Tough Mudder 2016 competitors from Body By Finn personal training cross finish line

Step 1: The Transformation

Ciara Palmer epitomizes the word consistent. She shows up to training week in and week out, she has followed the game-plan from the very start. Four stone down and we are thrilled with the progress so far. You are an inspiration to us Ciara, amazing results in such a short period of time.


Step 2: Take Your Fitness Out into the World

Ciara kicks it into overdrive. Adventure races and charity runs have been some of the many activities that Ciara has been able to enjoy since starting her journey with us. 


Step 3: Go Big or Go Home

Ciara has taken on the challenge of powerlifting. After winning her first powerlifting competition in the Deadlift there has been no turning back. Keep driving on Ciara. 

Ciara Palmer deadlifting at Irish Powerlifting competition 2017
Ciara Palmer wins Irish Powerlifting competion in Ladies Dead Lift division with Coach Finn Glenn of Real World Combat & Fitness gym Kenmare

1st Place at her first Powerlifting Competition

Meet Claudia

Thanks to Finn, I have lost 10 kg (1.5 stones) since last November. I had never been on a diet before. When I put on over a stone in extra weight over the summer and none of my jeans would close anymore, I decided to go to Real World Combat & Fitness gym. Some of my friends had already recommended Finn, so I thought I would try it out but didn’t think it would work. I love my food so I was a bit sceptical about the nutrition plan Finn made for me. It was hard at the beginning, especially when I had to cook food for my kids that I would have liked myself but I stayed strong. So over the next few months I took some training sessions with Finn. He made up a detailed training plan for me, which I do in the gym during the week along with his circuit training classes. He has been very supportive and caring. He keeps me accountable with reminders about my nutrition. I was never hungry during my diet and without him I could have not done it. My friends and family have noticed my weight loss and they are all very proud of me. I am so delighted my jeans fit me again. I will definitely keep up my healthy eating, exercise and training with Finn. I can only recommend him.

Claudia Frotscher

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

Meet Paul

TV Chef Paul Treyvaud Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland
Chef Paul Treyvaud climbs Carauntohill in Kerry Ireland. Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

Feeling Like I am on
Top of the World

We have worked with many wonderful people over the years and there certainly have been plenty of unique personalities along the way. While we thought he was a great guy, when we met Chef Paul Treyvaud we knew he was completely out of his mind. The the more we listened though the more we all started to believe that what he wanted to do was actually possible. 

Paul's transformation pulled no punches. We documented every moment of madness for you to have an inside look at his inspiring struggle. Check out the entire journey from start to finish. 

Chef Paul Treyvaud in Ice Bath at Real World Combat & Fitness gym. Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

Meet Collette

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland
What great things would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? Personal trainer Finn Glenn arms wide open on cliff in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

In March of 2016, I was at my biggest while I was away on a holiday with my friend Deirdre. She had started the gym and suggested that I should start also. I told her that there was no chance. She wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. When I was back in Ireland, Deirdre had booked a friend and I an appointment for a fitness consultation with Finn. From that day on, I never looked back.

Since June I have lost 51 lbs (23.13 kg). I’ve had many ups and downs but with great support from Finn, the RWCF trainers, family, and friends I managed to overcome them and keep on track. I have some weight to loose but I know it will be done.

A special thanks to Finn and Deirdre for making me who I am today. 


Collette W.

Artur Lysek Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

Meet Sue

There is something very special happening at Real World Combat & Fitness - Kenmare. Something so special, in fact, that it has significantly altered the course of my life and the lives of many others in our community. The gym, and what it represents, runs much deeper than getting fit and breaking a sweat.

I had always kept moderately fit by walking and running over the years. In between, I gave birth to my three children and know only too well how much a woman's weight can fluctuate over the years. I have been a size 16 and a size 10 and everything in between through the course of my adult life. After each baby I would lose the baby weight like most women do; fast and furious via a combination of minimal consumption of calories and overzealous exercise. In November, 2015 my world came crashing down when my Dad passed away suddenly.  I think I lost a little part of me. Cue a whole load of comfort eating to try and get through my grief and I was back to square one. I was once again overweight, unhappy and out of control. My self-esteem was at an all-time low and my energy levels were at zero.

After some soul searching, I reached out. I sent a private message to Finn via Facebook and thought why not? I had nothing to lose, I could give it a focused, concerted effort for 2/ 3 months and lose some weight and get 'back' to normal – whatever normal was.

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

I met Finn and well, was slightly freaked out. What had I signed up for? Little did I know at that time that his dedication, professionalism and conviction would inevitably change my life and the life of my family. Finn talked me through the nutrition plan. Eat 5-6 meals a day? I can do that. Eat a balanced combination of carbs, fats and proteins? I can do that. Commit to 3-4 weight sessions a week? I can try......

And try I did. The journey that strength training has taken me on has been phenomenal. I booked a Personal Training session every 4-6 weeks and Finn would walk me through the technique required for that particular exercise. The mystery was taken out of the equation and no longer did I fear the dumbbells or squat rack. Nothing is more intimidating than walking onto a busy gym floor crowded with men pumping iron. Nothing is more empowering than joining these men and lifting alongside them; showing courtesy and encouragement to one another and soaking in those post workout endorphins!

I lost weight. I toned up. I started showing a little definition. I was hooked.

Strength training is not without its ups and downs and I feel that this realization is perhaps the biggest lesson I have learnt. I have had stellar months where my nutrition and focus have been on point. But I have also had sluggish weeks that turn into fortnights that have turned into months where motivation drops, the gym becomes a chore, the nutrition becomes a shackle.  It’s at this precise moment where Finn and everyone at RWCF stand out from the crowd. The support and interest that the staff at RWCF show to their members really has to be seen to be believed. Finn, as a personal trainer, is in contact daily with motivational messages and displays of support. I've never experienced this type of support and sense of teamwork before and it is this that makes RWCF and BBF exceptional. Finn has made me feel, at all times, as though I am his number one client. In fact, his only client. My fitness journey and commitment are his number one concern. This is how he makes me feel. The clincher is, he makes each and every one of his clients feel like this. By dropping in to RWCF a couple of times a week, I've made a special connection with some very special people in my community. This is a place where there is support, friendship, encouragement and craic!

The gym has taught me some valuable life skills. I am a mother to 3 children under 7, I work full time, I have errands to run, a house to clean, dinners to make and friends to see. I have a busy home and work life but I have adapted and have ensured that a workout; however fast it might need to be, can be done and it all has a consequence. Consistency over time equals results.  It has taught me about time management and discipline. I have learnt to become more organized in my day to day life and have also learnt about commitment. Getting fit is not about maintaining a constant level of motivation. That's an emotion that’s unsustainable. Getting fit requires consistency.  A little bit of effort, sustained regularly. That type of attitude is what we call a 'lifestyle'.

My journey is not over. It's nowhere near over. I'm lifting heavier than I ever thought I would. I'm down in weight yes, but my sights and my drive are not about weight anymore. My focus is on the numbers going up; they are about personal goal setting and goal smashing. That’s where I'm going – how about you?

Sue Nikolovski

Meet Alex

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland
Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

August 2015 was the worst time of my life. I was overweight and weighed in around 110 kg or 242 pounds. I was having back and hip pains. I was also suffering from anxiety and depression. I knew that something had to change and I wasn't going to change anything if I was just sitting around playing Xbox.

So I started going to Real World Combat and Fitness when it first opened but I gave up after a month. I then came back again but this time I wasn't going to just give up, I was going to push myself until I got the results I wanted. So from around September of 2015 I went to the gym almost every day and after a month I started to see results. I went from 110 kg to about 90 kg which was great and by December I weighted in around 80 kg which was incredible! 
As the months went on I started to build muscle and lost even more weight. By August of 2016, I weighed in at 70 kg and at that moment I thought “Alright, enough losing weight. It's time 

to get big and build real muscle.” Now I'm 76 kg and I plan on getting bigger and stronger. I also plan on becoming a personal trainer and helping people who are experiencing what I experienced over a year ago.

None of this could have been achieved without Finn. He helped me every step of the way with everything from the nutrition I needed to eat to working out with me and showing me how to do each exercise. 

Finn is one of the biggest reasons that I have achieved my goals in the gym. So for that, I'd like to say ”Thank you Finn.”

The last thing I'll say is that if you really want to lose weight or build muscle you need three things. 1) Motivation is the thing that will push you to your goal 2) Dedication you need to

commit your life to achieving your goal and to getting the results you want. 3) The last thing you need, which might be the most important, is consistency. Without it, you won't achieve anything in life but with it, you will get the results you dream of.

Alex de Wouters White

Meet David

I started working out with Finn because one of my friends recommended him. I've worked with Personal Trainers all over the world, never with much success. I have always found it far too dull, endlessly repeating the same exercises, ignoring the pseudoscience, answering the same questions and ultimately for me, giving it up when I encountered the same injuries and ensuing discomfort. 

Working with Finn has been anything but boring! While there has been a pretty good core of exercises I've learned to repeat, even those have been changed out every few months. A lot of the muscle pain I'd assumed I'd have to manage forever has gone as a result of Finn driving a focus on building supporting muscle groups, and overall, I feel 100% fitter, more healthy and happier! I enjoy going to the gym, I'm getting a real kick out of having so much more energy and most importantly, I'm confident exercising for probably the first time in my life. 

Finn has taught me how to approach exercise in a positive way, how to enjoy it and incorporate it into the rest of my week. I travel a lot so he has devised workouts I can do in hotel rooms, he's put together workouts I can do at home with minimal equipment and tailored them to specific injury preventing movements. I've boxed, ran, lifted, stretched, stepped, lunged, kicked, walked and a whole variety of fun stuff I thought I'd never do. The results have been absolutely fantastic, and I can't recommend Finn highly enough. 


​David Kenny

"Working with Finn has been 

anything but boring!"

Meet Patrick

Personal training transformations with active retired with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

I like to go the gym about twice a week and have been going to the gym now for more than a year. In my opinion, I think it is very beneficial for people and I have seen such a great improvement in myself since I first started. My legs and feet are much better now and I have found that I can walk a lot further now without getting so tired. The staff in the gym are kind and helpful in every way and I love how I can go at any time of the day. Finn has been very good to myself, showing me new exercises and the correct form on others. I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone at RWCF.


Patrick O’Sullivan 

Meet Robert

A Big thanks to Body By Finn and Real World Combat & Fitness for helping me again reach my goals after falling off the wagon since the winter time. From the May Bank Holiday of 2014 until today, I have managed to loose over 4 stone (over 60 lbs ). When Finn and I did our last photo shoot six weeks ago I saw a photo of myself that was posted on Snapchat and I wasn't happy. He offered his services without hesitation. With a few slight adjustments, dietary changes, and a 10 minute workout each day you can see from the photos a considerable difference. Thanks for all the help and encouragement. If you’re looking to make changes in your life, start by getting in contact with Body By Finn and make that change start today!


Robert Ziegenfuss (RZK Photography)

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

Meet Martina

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

I was introduced to 'Body By Finn' this summer having returned home on holiday from Abu Dhabi. I do a variety of fitness activities out here and was keen to at least maintain and possibly to build on this while I was at home. 

Deciding to do a series of P/T sessions with Finn was the best decision I've made regarding my nutrition and fitness. Following a thorough consultation, Finn designed a nutrition plan and training programme specific to my goals. Provision of nutrient specifications, meal samples and, fundamentally, accountability in the form of weekly analysis of 'consistency table' ensured my optimum commitment to the nutrition plan. This, coupled with a tailored, full- body strength training programme, as well as participation in BBF classes, over a period of just four weeks brought about results in my overall strength and endurance that I'm truly pleased with! BBF classes are FUN, challenging and cater to ALL fitness levels. From the outset I was impressed with Finn's passion for what he does- the overall atmosphere in the gym is really positive and motivating. 

Another aspect to BBF that I've been really impressed with is the follow- up support I continue to receive in the form of texts/WhatsApp messages. Although I reside in Abu Dhabi, Finn regularly checks in with me to ensure I'm sticking to the plan, and, anytime I've had training or nutrition queries he's responded promptly and informatively. BBF is a fantastic resource/facility to have in Kenmare and I look forward to going there each time I'm home. 

Whether you are someone seeking to take the first step in improving your fitness and/or nutrition and don't know where to start OR have a reasonable level of fitness/knowledge of nutrition but are simply not achieving your goals at present, I can honestly say consultation with and advice from Finn will give you the confidence/motivation to change yourself for the better! 

Martina O' Neill

Meet John

Since January of this year I decided that I wanted to lose weight and get fitter. I had some lower back problems and was told that losing some weight would help. I started to try and eat healthy along with doing some gym work. I lost some weight but not much. 

I was told by a friend about Body By Finn. I arranged to meet Finn for a chat and see how he could help me. On the 21st of July, I was ninety four kilos. He did a thorough assessment and then, I booked four sessions with him. We spoke about what I wanted to achieve and the next day Finn emailed me my personalized food and workout plan. 

Now, I eat five times a day. It’s all good, healthy food and I am drinking manageable amounts of water. The great thing is that I don't feel hungry. I am going to the gym at least four times a week now. The food plan is very easy. The recipes are simple yet very nice, food that can suit everyone. The workouts are not hard. If you stick to Finn’s plan you will get the results. It's now September 16 and I am weighing in at eighty kg or twelve and a half stone.

I can honestly say it's not hard to do. I stuck with the plan and it worked. I felt like a different person.

John H.

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

Meet Julie

Fitness has never been an issue for me. I have always been very active but unfortunately it can also lead to injuries. I was getting the cartilage in my knee done last September which would mean for me not being able to cycle. Well, me being me, I could not just sit around. I came to Real World Combat Fitness because of injury. I met Finn to explain to him what was being done and that I wanted to keep training even though I was unable to do any cardio.


First thing we did was set a challenge which turned out to be the little black dress. So the training and diet started, six weeks to fit into the dress which was achieved no problem. The diet was right on the mark. I have wrecked poor Finn’s head as I would change the goal posts every five to six weeks but it was never a problem to him he just stepped right up to any challenge. My last challenge was a month of fat loss but he just guided me through it with encouragement and unwavering support.


I am still training and am stronger and fitter than ever, I’m going from strength to strength because of Finn and Real World Combat Fitness. The people at Real World are just fantastic, very welcoming and considerate. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the gym and Finn as the service, facilities, and the classes are outstanding. I would like to thank all at Real World Combat Fitness and especially Finn Glenn for making my fitness and injury recovery a fantastic experience. You are all an amazing bunch, keep up the good work.  A million thanks for everything


Julie Carey

Meet David

Never in my Life have I been more influenced by a personal trainer than Finn Glenn. I Never took any Hands on personal training with Finn but watched his snapchat videos religiously, His positivity & attitude towards life has changed me both mentally & physically. I will never be able to thank him enough for that. If you wanna make a change or just make a start just by following him on snapchat (Username:Bodybyfinn) or just dropping him a message on Facebook will most definitely change your life😊 👊

Personal training transformations with Body By Finn in Kenmare, Co Kerry, Ireland

Watch Neil's 90 Day Transformation

Take an inside look at what 90 days of hard work in the gym, a clean diet and a determined mind-set can accomplish. We are committed to helping good people like yourself make the difficult transformation that you know you should do but struggle to get started with. We have a genuine passion to help you find a connection to the joys of being healthy and creating a clear vision of the person you were born to be. 


How did Neil do it?


The workouts were challenging yet manageable. They focused mainly on strength and conditioning. Martial arts training and fast paced walking was the primary form of cardio. The nutrition consisted of several smaller meals throughout the day made up of a lean protein source and vegetables. Oh yes, lots and lots of water. There are no shortage of combinations that can make your workouts fun and easy to learn. 



09:00-18:00 Hrs

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